When acne isn't acne? Skin conditions that look like acne!

When acne isn't acne? Skin conditions that look like acne!

21st Nov 2017

Everyone who is dealing with acne, knows how stressful and frustrating acne can be. Not only when you’re a teenager, but an adult too. However, more often than desired, we’re diagnosed with acne, when in fact, that just isn’t the case. Sometimes acne isn’t acne, but a skin condition that closely resembles acne, and in cases that you are misdiagnosed and you don’t use the right products for treatment, you can find your skin to be in even worse condition than it was before. Now, that’s even more frustrating than acne itself.

So when acne isn’t acne? Below you’ll find out which skin conditions are often mistaken for acne.


Often mistaken for acne vulgaris, rosacea is a skin condition that manifests itself as puss-filled bumps, and often causes flushing, redness and dilated blood vessels.

Common rosacea causes include extreme temperatures, hormonal changes, stress, frequent diet changes and even excessive exercise. Because skin can be dry and itchy, avoid hot baths, spicy food and using any products that might strip you away from natural oils. It’s often mistaken and treated as acne, which can cause the symptoms to go on a rampage, and if you notice your acne treatment isn’t working, it’s probably rosacea.

Perioral Dermatitis

This skin condition really looks like acne, as it can be spotted as red bumps, usually around the mouth, nose or even eyes. The main difference is that with perioral dermatitis there are no blackheads or whiteheads. Perioral dermatitis causes can vary,, but it’s definitely not treated the same way as acne vulgaris would be treated.


Allergies manifest in so many ways, and even your skin can go crazy because you’re body is irritated with something. While allergies can appear on the face very similar to acne, they are usually distinguished by itchiness. If you have an allergic breakout, you’re probably going to find that it’s really itchy, while acne is usually painful.

Steer clear off any harsh chemicals, especially products that contains perfume. Start from the inside and find out the causes of your allergic reactions.


Since acne is also tied to bumps, pustules, cysts, chloracne is often confused with it. Chloracne however, are caused by external factors mostly, and they appear all over the body, predominantly on the face, groin and arms. The treatment of this kind of acne is completely different than any other type of acne, which is why it’s crucial to talk to a professional, instead of getting over the counter creams and lotions.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer is mistaken for acne, because it resembles it. It manifests itself as a red, shiny bump, but unlike acne, it doesn’t go away quickly. If you have pimples on your face that have been their for months, and don’t seem to go away, consult your dermatologist.

If your acne is not getting better, but only worse, consider this; you just might be treating the right condition. We recommend consulting a dermatologist that can make the proper diagnosis and prescribe proper treatments of all the above mentioned skin conditions.