​Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days with Keratin Straightening Treatments

​Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days with Keratin Straightening Treatments

9th Sep 2016

If there’s a treatment in the hair industry world that has been talked around a lot, and we mean a lot, it’s the keratin straightening treatment. Everyone has been buzzing about it. And the opinions are really extreme. Some are in love with it and consider it a life-changer, while some are more sceptical and are still freaked out by devastating results of the Brazilian hair treatments we saw celebrities go through before chopping their hair off completely.

But don’t be so quick to judge and believe all the negativity that’s presented by the media. We’re here today to tone down the pressure and actually explain why the keratin straightening treatments aren’t your worst enemy. In fact, you and your hair are going to love them.

Should I Get This Treatment?

Before we get into the details of this trendy yet debated treatment, let’s take a moment and see whether you’re really the right candidate for it.

  • If your days are busy to the max and your hair has to be beyond perfection, but just don’t have that kind of time to sit down and flat iron your hair every morning.
  • If you have frizzy hair that can’t be tamed no matter what kind of tools or products you use.
  • If you don’t have time to flat iron your hair every day, but love the simple and straight look.
  • If you have crinkly hair and have dreamed about having straight hair without hours of struggle.
  • If you don’t want walking out in the rain and humidity to be a day-ruining moment.
  • If you’re just not the boss of your hair anymore, and can’t seem to be able to put a comb through it.
  • If your hair isn’t too thin and damaged already, you’re good to go. Reconsider getting this treatment if your hair is really fragile and delicate.

Here’s What’s Up

The treatment is based on a liquid mixture of chemicals and keratin and targets the outside layer of the cuticle. As opposed to the Japanese hair straightening treatment, it won’t change the internal structure of your hair forever. It lasts a couple of months, after which your hair will go back to normal, or if you repeat the treatment, it’s supposed to strengthen your hair shaft. You’ll be able to cut down the frizz, straighten the curls and waves and make it behave! Oh, and did we mention how perfectly luxuriant it looks afterwards?

So, right off the bat, this is a treatment that contains keratin, a protein that’s already in your hair, it’s going to strengthen your shaft and help you look perfect all the time. If you’re still squinting sceptically at the screen, wait, there’s more.

Yes, there are chemicals used in order to get the perfect, silky strand of hair. Chemicals such as formaldehyde are typically a part of the process. When some people hear the word chemical, they tend to pack their bags and head for the road. But, we use chemicals for hair dying regularly, even more frequently than you would with a keratin treatment so it’s really not that dramatic. Professional hair salons will use a safe amount of formaldehyde so that you don’t get an allergic reaction or damage your hair in any way.

This is where all the controversy happens. Chemicals used in this process are highly concentrated and people are often scared by the fact that there’s something so strong and potentially dangerous coming near their hair. Plus, there’s all that false information you can read online.

But, if done in a certified salon by a trained professional you won’t have to worry about a thing. It’s just like bleaching your hair at home to become a platinum blond or bleaching it at the salon. The two are completely different worlds, which is why you should trust that your hair stylist will do his best not to endanger your beloved mane.

Do we think you should get it? Sure, if you’ve gone through the checklist above. We might not be able to control everything in life, but for sure we can control your hair.