​ Why You Should Remove Your Makeup Before Bed

​ Why You Should Remove Your Makeup Before Bed

Posted by Trudy Petith on 27th Nov 2018

Modern life is too busy. Most days, you come home late and all you want to do is just lie down and doze off. The last thing you would want to do is wash your face. For skincare junkies, sleeping with your face all made up is synonymous to committing a serious crime. But, is sleeping in makeup really that bad?

We’ve all heard it time and again that sleeping with your makeup on is bad and that is absolutely true but how bad is it really?

Your skin will age faster. Letting makeup sit on your skin will cause your skin's natural barrier to break down which mean your skin will be susceptible to oxidative damage. Collagen production will slow down and fine lines will start to show. Your skin tone will become uneven and you will eventually have pigmentation problems.

Pimple alert. Makeup will have nowhere else to go but your pores if you don't wash it off. You won't get a pimple or an acne right away but if you sleep with your makeup on often, microcomedone (often referred to as P acne) will form on your skin and will attract acne-causing bacteria to your pores.

You will be at risk for an infection. Once your skin's barrier breaks down, your health can be compromised. Our skin acts as the first line of defense against infection. Makeup has irritants like perfume and colourants that when they sit way too long on your skin may cause rashes. Skin abrasions, especially if not taken care of, will invite infection.

If you think you no longer have the energy to wash your face before retiring to bed, there is an easy way that will allow you to remove your makeup right away. Simply leave your cleanser in the shower or try makeup cleansing wipes. These are fast effective ways to remove makeup. They conveniently dissolve all traces of dirt, oil, and makeup from the surface of the skin.